
Macaroni Made – DIY Terra Cotta Wind Chimes

By Jamie Clark April 2, 2015
This DIY Wind Chime project is a great addition to your backyard this spring. I love the final result and my boys and I have plans to make a few more of these for gifts.
What you need:
  • Terra Cotta pots (we used three medium-sized ones and one smaller one)
  • Jute cord
  • Beads
  • Acrylic paints
  • Paint brushes
What to do:
  1. Paint the Terra Cotta pots and let dry. This doesn't take too long.
  2. Cut off a long enough portion of jute cord for you to be able to hang all the pots. I cut off about a yard and that was more than enough.
  3. Thread the jute cord through the bottom pot (we used our smallest pot here) and tie a knot to hold it in place.
  4. Decide where you want the other pots placed so they overlap each other and either eyeball it or make a mark with a sharpie. Tie a knot in the jute cord & add a bead, and then add on the Terra Cotta pot. You need the bead or the knot will slip right through the hole. 
  5. Continue until all the pots have been added and tie it off at the top so you can hang it in a special place on your porch or in your yard!